In the last decades, sustainability became a key issue in both
economy and environment. The careless utilization of resources, the
increasing industrial/agricultural production and commercial
consumption led to a very serious imbalance between the available
raw material stocks and requests. Therefore, urgent solutions are
necessary: economize the usage and recovery of resources,
application of environmentally sound technologies and circularize the
economy as much as possible.
Four Hungarian Universities: the University of Miskolc (coordinator),
the University of Pécs, the University of Sopron and the University of
Szeged have built up a thematic network on the field of Sustainable
Raw Materials and aimed to contribute to the solutions leading to
sustainable future.
The main focus points of the project are as follows:
1. Utilization of waste water and sewage sludge, low CO2
emission technologies;
2. Municipal solid waste as a secondary raw material source;
3. Utilization of lignocelluloses;
4. Innovative utilization of bulky industrial and mining wastes
and by-products;
5. WEEE – extracting valuable materials from electronic and
electric equipment waste.
The Consortium regularly organizes so-called International Project
Weeks for extending international connections by inviting expert
scientists from all over the world and for discussing results obtained
in various labs of the Partner Universities. This is the II. Sustainable
Raw Materials meeting – now organized by the University of Szeged –
and the topics related to water, waste water and low CO2 emission
technologies give the core of the conference. However, any other
subject is also welcome.
Hopefully you will enjoy it.
Welcome to Szeged,
the Organizing Committee